Mirage Raceway

Learning how to code a website takes longer time then expected.
Still learning the ropes and getting to know everyone!
In the meanwhile you can always
Join Discord.
For some social chatter.
For some information visit
More Info Page.
Some few tips to know about classic
A Better World.
Some info about some recent raid victories
The world of Raiding.
Loremasters WEEKLY EVENT PLANNED: Zul Gurub Every Saterday at 20:45 start
inviting and 21:00 at zul gurub ready to fight. Sign-ups happen on discord so make sure you sign in.
Loremasters PUG events: We ocassionaly host pug events more info on the latest on.
sign-up happen on discord so make sure you sign in. by clicking on your class icon in the pug chat event.
make sure your discord name is the same as the one you use type /nick name on discord to change it.
PUG Discord